Pretty amazing.

  1. Balbas says:

    Public school will cure her of this disease of intelligence soon, I hope.

  2. Hugh Ripper says:

    Had he known 12 months earlier, McCain could have put her on the ticket.

  3. JayM says:

    It would have been more impressing if she would have read more than ONE word in Spanish, say a conversation. Amazing though.

  4. I says:

    I too was similarly gifted at that age. On a word of command I was able to shit my pants (or do so at some point in the following few hours.)

  5. amodedoma says:

    Not that big a deal… Kids got the capacity but normally not the context. As a US citizen long term resident in Spain I have a wife and 3 kids. All 3 were nearly bilingual at that age, because I’d talk to them in english and my wife in spanish. What’s more, since I live in the basque region when they go to school they learn and study in basque making them trilingual. I imagine this couple spend a lot of time keeping their toddler very busy.

  6. mojotaker says:

    Hmm i smell something fishy. Every time she is asked to read something, look at her fathers mouth move. Either he is pronouncing it for her, or he is a ventriloquist.

    But if she can actually read, then i will say that thats amazing.

    but seriously look at her dads mouth.

  7. tcc3 says:

    I dont see it mojotaker. His mouth is moving but i think in anticipation. The kids not looking at her dad.

  8. James Hill says:

    #2 – No, no, no angry liberal. We need bright young minds like this in the military.

  9. sc137 says:

    I am not surprised. My kid knows over a 100 signs, can identify letters, knows his alphabet, counts to 10, and can substitute some words in Spanish. All this along with facial expression and forming two word sentences at 17 months. All parents feel there kids are “extraordinary” but I know that it’s not that uncommon 🙂

  10. Grandpa says:

    I am shocked and amazed! I’ve been told only Chinese are smart enough to do this. Could it be we have been lied to, that our children are capable of competing with the Chinese, that American workers could manufacture here in the States? I’ll have to think about this.

  11. the answer says:

    So? I could read small things around that time also. I was potty trained at 13 months, and I spoke portuguese and english. Someone liek this might be considered a prodigy in Alabama

  12. amodedoma says:

    #7 I try really hard to teach my kids that patriotism or nationalism is one of the worlds oldest and cruelest forms of ignorance, that nobody that wants to rule bad enough is worthy of trust, and that all flags are just dirty bloodstained rags. My 6 y.o. knows nothing of ETA but the 13 and 20 y.o. do. When it comes to kids, all you can do is try to teach them values then hope they’ll make the right decision when the time comes.

  13. Angel H. Wong says:


    “We need bright young minds like this in the military.”

    ’cause that’s the best place to crush them.


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