Verizon Wireless says that a number of its employees have “accessed and viewed” President-elect Barack Obama’s personal cellphone account without authorization.

The company said all employees who accessed the account — whether they were authorized to or not — were immediately put on leave with pay. The firm said it was evaluating the circumstances of each employee’s access to the account to determine appropriate action, including disciplinary proceedings.

“We apologize to President-elect Obama and will work to keep the trust our customers place in us every day,” chief executive Lowell McAdam said in a statement.

Verizon spokesman Jeffrey Nelson declined to comment beyond the company’s prepared statement and wouldn’t specify how many employees saw the account or what kind of information was viewed.

UPDATE: 3:15PM – Snoopers Fired!

What is required for private communications to remain private?

  1. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    Obama is an elected official who’s now on call 24/7. For him there is now no longer “personal” time. Every single word he utters for the next 4 years should be recorded for posterity.

  2. soundwash says:

    you have to ask why this was leaked..
    news is not made anymore, it’s created.

    imo, this was a warm up or a warning..

  3. #31 – ‘dro

    >>#30 The day is not over until MM rationalizes

    “rationalizes crap”? Do you have something to say, ‘dro, or are you just trying out your English skills?

    I didn’t “rationalize” anything. I merely pointed out to Paddy-RAMBO that Obama was a teenager when the FISA act was passed by Congress, and that the only effect he’s had on the legislation has been to undo some of the damage Dumbya infliced on the Constitution.

    Got that, m’hijito?

  4. Lorrie says:

    Is everyone out there giving opinions clean, and have not done anything they were not suppose to on a job. I am not saying the employees were right in doing what they did, unless it was for a business purpose. However, let Verizon take care of those that did this without a just cause. And those of you who are guilt free of any wrong doing, then cast the first stone. We all have done something at work that we were NOT suppose to, you just didn’t get caught. It is in every business and govt. agency. Hats off to you all that are lilly white. Let the company take care of it. There are good and good employees in all companies.

  5. hhopper says:

    I once cut the strings on my boss’s golden parachute.

  6. Cap'nKangaro says:

    Obama did support giving the companies backward immunity shortly after becoming the Dem’s presumptive nominee, reversing his earlier stand against the immunity.

  7. Kris says:

    Hey It is a known fact that all Verizon emplyees have access to all verizon records.. Wireless or not.. My wife works there and she says that they can see all records.. DSL wireless or phone.. The way to keep your info private is not to have anything with a company.. Verizon like many companys strive to keep all records private, but all you have to do is search for the acct.. Theres no real way to win


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