
Behold the power of a free leg, thigh, two sides and a biscuit. Forget social injustice. You want to organize a sit-in? Try denying folks their right to free Kentucky fried…erm, um…I mean grilled chicken.

You see, yesterday Oprah offered coupons to all of her viewers that entitled them to one two piece grilled chicken meal. The offer is good from now until May 19th, 2009. First of all, the coupon server is way overloaded and it’s damn near impossible to get the thing to download. And even if you managed that, as many did, not every franchise operator is down with Oprah’s offer.

So leave it to the denizens of New York City to take their protest to the next level. According to eyewitnesses, folks staged a sit-in after being denied free grilled meat with sides. WTF?!? This aint a ’50s lunch counter folks.

“I went over to our nearest KFC a few minutes ago…and chaos ensued. Despite the very visible grilled chicken behind the register, the manager told everyone with coupons to leave and that the promotion was over for the day. The people there are currently holding a sit-in and refusing to leave until they get their free chicken .. .or the cops are called. Racial epithets were being spewed, people who actually wanted to pay for chicken were facing a potential beatdown, and the manager ran from the screaming horde. Oprah, what have ye wrought?”

Hah! No chicken for YOU! You may attempt to get your coupon here….but don’t hold your breath.

  1. jescott418 says:

    I cannot beleive how many swoon over Oprah. She is not a mom, she is not married and she does not go shopping like you and me. Yet she claims to know so much about our everyday lives. This could not be further from the truth. I used to admire her, but she has become anoying and out of touch and maybe part of this is her staff that has made her appear this way. But for me, when she built that school in Africa when so many kids her in America need help. That took away a lot of respect I have in her. These so called acts of kindness are not becoming of her. They create more problems then they solve and appear to be more about selling chicken with KFC then helping people. If she wanted to help people that need it then give to a food bank.

  2. green says:

    FU DU for making me crave KFC.

  3. Dave W says:

    I’m not sure it is even possible to comment on this story without being labeled a racist.

    I will note that 3 of the local KFC stores (and 2 Burger Kings and 2 Shakeys Pizza and a Taco Bell!) have closed in the past 2-3 years.

  4. orangetiki says:

    Not sure where you guys are, but here in Jersey (known for angry people and fighting) people are waiting happily for free chicken. I even got a girl’s phone number in line. You people need to chill out and eat some damn fried chicken. (referring to a comedian who’s name I forget who said the way to world peace is fried chicken)

    P.S. Crown Friend Chicken is much better. If Oprah wanted to start a riot she should give that stuff away.

  5. orangetiki says:

    P.S. I never knew one of Oprah’s eyes were bigger than the other. Someone get thee to a Photoshop professional.

  6. MikeN says:

    You are in violation of HR 1966 for causing Oprah emotional distress.

  7. lonerose99 says:

    …at least the coupon download itself has expired, it was good thru 11:59 pm May 6, so…..

  8. Named says:


    Cocked-eyes are the hallmark of a sociopath. And for oprah to encourage KFC eating over Popeyes, well she has proven her insanity.

  9. Dallas says:

    Proof point that Oprah ranks as one of the most influential people in America.

    She can probably declare the recession over and generate $50B worth of commerce to take place in 3 days!

    While I think fried chicken is rather disgusting, a worse option is Long John Silvers! A mutant shrimp encased in a pound of batter. Oh good.

  10. Randomized says:

    Popeye’s Runs Out of Chicken in Rochester, NY


    Popeye’s Chicken in Minneapolis refuses $4.99 special


    You can’t offer cheap/free chicken and expect people to not get upset.

  11. Louisiana504/225 says:

    People are so ungrateful. Just be happy that she is looking out for the world. That is something she didn’t have to do at all. Oprah is a very generous person and I appreciate her for what she is doing. I hate to see ungrateful people complain about something that is FREE. If you have a problem with it don’t get it. Freaking plain and simple. People were complaining because they couldn’t choose their sides. It’s free!!!! Be grateful for what you have. Thank you Oprah!!!God continue to bless you! She does more than what FEMA did for us during Katrina/Gustav

  12. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Kentucky Grilled Chicken?

    Clearly a sign of the apocalypse.

    I grew up on the real stuff, but these days prefer my own, Popeye’s, or buy from a locally-owned place.

  13. mentor972 says:

    You know, I had a feeling something like this would happen as soon as I heard about this. These promotions always backfire because of the franchises.

  14. hhopper says:

    KFC’s original recipe used to be great… not anymore. Popeye’s beats the crap out of KFC. And while I’m on the subject, Burger King bites the big one too lately. I’m not even going to mention McD. Thank goodness for Wendy’s and Popeye’s.

  15. AlanB says:

    So the time period to download the coupon has expired. No worries, I saved the coupon pdf on my computer. I’ll be eating grilled chicken (as much as I can stand) between now and the 19th.

    My other thought is to stand outside the KFC and sell coupons for a couple bucks each. Much cheaper then over 6 bucks without the coupon.

  16. MikeN says:

    >Popeye’s beats the crap out of KFC.

    Yea, Popeye’s chicken is about the size of crap from KFC’s chicken.

  17. gquaglia says:

    First the Popeye debacle http://digg.com/d1pTc2 , now this. What is it with chicken that makes people go crazy!

  18. BigBoyBC says:

    I’ve tried the new chicken twice, it’s ok, nothing great. Looks like it was put through a George Foreman “grill”. El Polo Loco is better.

  19. Toxic Asshead says:

    I love it when Oprah steps in it.

  20. Dallas says:

    #16 Agree. Glad you cited Bush as an example of ‘lower class’ sheeple voting in rotten presidents.

    Bush was voted in on the premise of fear, Obama was voted in on the premise of change. I’m happy to side with those that voted for the latter.

  21. fulanoche says:

    I have a kitchen in my house that i can use.

  22. Greg Allen says:

    Must be a very slow news day on Dvorak Uncensored if a story about a KFC coupon gets covered!

  23. Greg Allen says:

    Missed your coupon? Here is a great recipe that’s cheap.”

    Get a whole chicken,
    Rub it with your favorite spices.
    Bake it at 325F for about 90 minutes.


  24. meetsy says:

    yuck. Yeah, Oprah, you go girl. Kill more of the fat people…. let gluttony rein supreme (plus, it will make Oprah look thinner).

  25. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    KFC – Killer Fucking Chicken

  26. brm says:


    Would it please you if we all ate twigs and pebbles?

    “let gluttony rein supreme”

    Yeah, because two pieces of grilled chicken is the HEIGHT of gluttony.

  27. Glenn E. says:

    This chicken endorsement is funny for a reason most of you don’t even know about. Back in the late 70s, early 80s, Oprah cohosted “People Are Talking” on Baltimore’s WJZ-TV. And on one show she interview chicken magnate Frank Purdue. And had the nerve to ask him, “What do you say to people when they say you look like a chicken?” To which he responded, “What do you say to people when they say you look like a chicken?” And Mr. Perdue responds, perfectly calm, “I don’t know, what do you say when people say that you look like a gorillla?” At which point the Tv screens, tuned into WJZ, went blank for a couple minutes. When the show returned, she wasn’t there. I didn’t see this myself, so I don’t know it for an absolute fact. But everyone in my family who saw this, distinctly remembers it. And there are enough witnesses on the internet who do too.


    I believe the main reason she’s been successful, is because she’s been used to edge out any more socially effective (aka Liberal) talk show hosts, like Phil Donahue. What the hell has Oprah ever stood up for? I remember her brief run in with the beef industry. But I don’t know why. She’s certainly not a vegan, today, if she’s now promoting KFC chicken.

    Apparently she’s just not wealthy enough, yet, that she can afford to turn down a fast food promotional contract. And she can’t be caught endorsing any mainstream religions either, so she start kissing up to Tom Cruise and his wacky xenu cult. Well I guess atheism pays better.

    Fried (er, grilled?) chicken eh? Did she leave out the watermelon? Or hasn’t the produce industry paid her generously enough to promote those yet? And would she? I’m thinking, yeah, she would.

  28. Uncle Patso says:

    Even while The Beloved Colonel was still alive the quality of KFC’s food was going down, down, down and he wasn’t afraid to say so. (Never should have sold out, Colonel!) I tried a couple of pieces a year or so ago — it was so loaded with salt I had to drink about a gallon of water over the next few hours and really gave my kidneys a workout. I wish there were a Popeye’s closer than halfway across town…

    As for Oprah, I don’t care what her motives were, anyone who builds a school, no matter where, is okay in my book. I wish she (or someone, anyone) would build a few thousand more. She and Bono could get together with Bob Geldoff and make it happen!

  29. brm says:


    “anyone who builds a school, no matter where, is okay in my book”

    the nazis built schools.

    just sayin.


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