If you thought a mockingbird was good. Wow. A topper.

  1. Mustardtits the blind harp blower says:

    It can do a pretty good camera and chainsaw as well.

  2. Mustardtits the blind harp blower says:

    Put him in front of the radio before you go to bed and you got yourself a shoulder fired ipod for the next day, at least untill the riaa catches up with you and then your bird is cooked.

  3. In the forest they’ll mimic chainsaws, bulldozers, rifle shots, hand axes, motor bikes or anything else that comes near 🙂

  4. Hugh Ripper says:

    They also imitate cries for help and lure hikers to their doom. True story.

  5. Shubee says:

    Those are the most unmusical birds I have ever heard. I prefer Beethoven’s wood-wren and Mozart’s starling. See http://pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/0304/01.html at 3:30 minutes to 5:00 minutes.

  6. deowll says:

    Actually this thing imitated a lot of animal sounds including the human voice. It did electric hedge clippers, saws, hammering, lawn mower, electric drill, and I lost count.

  7. amurmann says:

    I saw one in China that imitated honking cars, which I thought was really funny. But this one…!

  8. Hyperkinetic says:

    Not to pick nits, but that’s not a jackhammer, it’s a masonry drill in hammer mode. The birds in Lake Havasu make noises like automotive belts slipping, engines starting, and car alarms. No doubt these sounds will be carried on long after we’re gone.

  9. right says:

    Very cool!

  10. AdmFubar says:

    sound more like he was near a construction site. no jackhammer, but a saws, drills, hammering, workers whistling, seems to be in his repertoire.

  11. Luke says:

    That’s my local zoo!

  12. laxdude says:

    It was not a pneumatic jackhammer, but I have heard electric ones that sound pretty damn close to the bird.

  13. PcMaster says:

    Give me some good stock footage of a Robin in your back yard and in no time I can make him sound like an intersection in downtown New York.
    Not that I want to be cynical but it just seems hokey to me.

  14. PcMaster says:

    Give me some good stock footage of a Robin in your back yard and in no time I can make him sound like an intersection in downtown New York.
    Not that I want to be cynical but it just seems hokey and unbelievable to me.

  15. PcMaster says:

    10 min later…
    OK, I saw what Wikipedia says but who can trust it? Then I saw David Attenborough legitimize it. He wouldn’t lie would he?

  16. SB says:

    John, this is what you do with your spare time? lol

  17. smartalix says:


    Actually, many of the birds in teh city mimic car alarms.

  18. Greg Allen says:

    A friend of mine kept a bird (parrot?) by a squeaky sliding glass door. The bird learned to make that sound.

    So, about a hundred times a day, it sounded like some one was entering the house!

  19. Rockeyracoon says:

    Wait! I recognized the workers whistle..I think it is a shame the bird had to learn one of the most annoying sounds of all time, instead of nice natural sounding sounds..just saying.


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