• Another MSN redesign comes along. It never ends.
  • Verizon sued over “there’s a Map for that” ad.
  • A Twitter-only phone.
  • iPhone FAIL in China.
  • Best Buy video downloads means the death of DVD, or not?
  • nVidia doing a CPU?
  • Cable modem hacker indicted.
  • Sony-Ericsson doing an Android?

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  1. sargasso says:

    #1. it is a marketing failure. American’s can’t sell to Chinese people using marketing philosophies devised in Chicago. Nokia is king in Asia, the real deal, the original and unassailable, the most cloned, the most copied, the best. The iPhone is a solid gold Rolls Royce, impressive to see, but it can’t be worth six month’s salary. Outside of California, the iPhone owner s a spectacle of derision, not admiration.

  2. amodedoma says:

    Mr. D, I don’t know why you’re down playing the WAR between Intel and Nvidia. It seems to me to be the David and Goliath story of the decade, at least for the tech industry. Intel has been behaving like M$, they don’t want to compete, and making a superior product(!?!?) isn’t enough, they have to screw the competition over. Wouldn’t it be great if Nvidia came up with a great processor? Especially if M$ has no objections, everybody knows that M$ and Intel are – strategically aligned. It’s gonna be a nasty war, if Nvidia’s gonna survive I’d say they better come up with one hell of a processor, multi-cored and super fast or tiny, cool, and very efficient. They’d be smart to go with, ‘fast with graphics’ and take advantage of their well established gamer market.

  3. DavidtheDuke says:

    “It’s costing me business!!” Jesus, At&t’s lawsuit should be thrown out with a fine.


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