CBC News – Toronto – Toronto police use Taser on wayward deer.

A wayward deer that wandered through downtown Toronto before stopping to rest near a busy intersection has been stunned and captured.

They could have let the deer go on its merry way, but noooo.

Found by Robb Murray.

  1. bobbo, we are all connnected in crime, perversion, and Darwinian Competition says:

    Really bad kneejerk reaction of the day: “They could havelet the deer go on its merry way, but noooo.”

    Ever seen the effect of a wandering deer on city traffic? How many car accidents are worth the deaf/dumb/blind policy you recommend????


  2. BigBoyBC says:

    “Don’t taze me doe!”

    Ok, I said it…

  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #2, yes you did.

  4. duh365 says:

    Until cops are put under the same scrutiny for using a taser as they are a firearm or baton, they will continue to use it for anything and everything. I wonder if they’ve been able to open bottles with it?

  5. bobbo, we are all connnected in crime, perversion, and Darwinian Competition says:

    #4–duh==let me make the opposite uninformed assumption: cops ARE put under the same scrutiny on any use of a taser, in fact, much higher scrutiny than that required for use of a baton which is ZERO.

    Let me further assume the reason we don’t hear much about it is that unlike a baton or gun there is usually little to no damage so not much fuss it made about it by most folks involved.

    Let me ask you: would you rather be:

    1. Shot by a gun
    2. Hit by a baton
    3. Stunned by a taser?

    I’ll take a taser every time. You?

  6. moondawg says:


    Depends on who’s swinging the baton.

  7. TooManyPuppies says:

    Well, it was probably faster than calling in animal control. That’s what we were trained to do, call animal control and try to keep the animal were it is so it doesn’t wander and interfere with traffic or harm some dipstick walking around.

    Taze it, tie it, stuff it in the back of the patrol unit, then drive it to a place out of the way to let it go.

    Orrrr…. Shoot the damned thing in the head, and eat it!

  8. duh365 says:

    #5—I would beg to differ about the taser. We hear plenty about tasering these days and if you take a gander at youtube, there are plenty of police tasering antics caught on video. It comes up in “about 16,200” search results and I’m sure most of which are tagged rather loosely. I think for the very reason it doesn’t leave a mark, some cops go the extra mile to jolt a suspect or soccer mom that doesn’t quiet down. If the cop isn’t caught on tape, the officer can do whatever he or she wants and it’s the word of the tasered against theirs. How many times have cops said they have done no wrong until a video hits youtube?

    And regarding your question, it’s kind of a silly question because it wouldn’t be up to me + a cop still carries all three. It’s not like the taser replaced the gun and baton.

  9. bobbo, we are all connnected in crime, perversion, and Darwinian Competition says:

    #8–duh. Where to begin?

    What is your source of information for opining the police are under less scrutiny when they use a taser? — same question re baton and gun?

    IN THE MAIN===do you/CAN YOU recognize at all how BIASED your perceptions are by relying on Youtube? Pop culture is good for ENTERTAINMENT purposes NOT FOR being informed, even less for forming/posting/maintaining opinions.

    Do you rely on Horoscopes? If not, why not?

  10. After a big buck tried to suicide himself with my front bumper a couple days ago, I’m ready to join those working to cull the bastards. They are dangerous creatures and we have to decide what is more important to us: seeing the pretty deer graze on our flowers or protecting our friends and family from harm.

  11. Benjamin says:

    Bobbo said,

    “Let me ask you: would you rather be:

    1. Shot by a gun
    2. Hit by a baton
    3. Stunned by a taser?

    I’ll take a taser every time. You?”

    I’d rather be punished for a crime only after being found guilty in a court of law.

  12. duh365 says:

    #9 — whether I am wrong or not regarding scrutiny or a few extra bits of paperwork related to tasering, is it not the word of an officer vs. the person tasered unless there is video to prove otherwise? Since there are not gunshot wounds, black eyes or cracked skulls there is nothing to say whether or not the officer jolted the person once or twenty times. How biased can you be to discount videos that have captured officers taking things too far? Since Rodney King, this is the media driven culture we live in and unfortunately a few rotten apples that actually get caught ruin it for the rest. Why do you think a tasered deer made a headline in the first place?

  13. tcc3 says:

    That deer totally had it coming. I bet he was resisting arrest, we only see part of the video! That deer could have had a gun, that cop didn’t know. If that deer didn’t want to get tasered he shouldn’t have done something that got him pulled over.

  14. duh365 says:

    #13 — so true! Awesome.

  15. bobbo, we are all connnected in crime, perversion, and Darwinian Competition says:

    #12–duh==you crack me up. Where to continue?

    YOU made the point that police are subject to less review when they use a taser compared to when they use a baton or gun.

    My gut hunch is you are correct, but I asked for “sources” of your position. Armed with valid data, different people can come to different conclusions based on their values????

    YOUR response is twice now to say that “Less Review” is indicated by YouTube having many video’s on the misuse of tasers. I don’t see the connection, can you make it for me?

    I say that tasers are misused because in the Movie Bad Cop Harvey Keitel used it to torture a suspect.

    LOGIC!!!!! You can make several arguments from the YouTube videos just as you have done, but their use not being reviewed by police departments is not one of them.

    And back to my secondary point, I’d still rather be abused by a taser than by a baton or gun. YOU?

  16. Uncle Don says:

    If it had died after being shot, would it have been due to “agitated delirium”?

  17. pedro says:

    #15 bobbo – “And back to my secondary point, I’d still rather be abused by a taser than by a baton or gun. YOU?”

    I like self abuse.

  18. duh365 says:

    #15—apparently this is the game of the last word, unless someone tasers us both. Anyway, I will have to come clean, I didn’t have my pie charts and statistical data handy and our local taser training officer didn’t get back to me in time for comment. You can draw your own conclusions (which I think you have) based on previous tasing stories on this blog and the deer that had it coming. Clearly you would prefer to be tasered but I think I would rather not. Cops don’t give you a choice, they decide. However, if I’m ever resisting, I’ll mention your multiple choice question and say I chose 4. none of the above.

    Have to go taser a turkey now. Enjoy Thanksgiving!

  19. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Happy Turkey Day to everyone.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, pedro,

    I like self abuse.

    Yup, we’ve heard. How’s the goat thing going?

  21. bobbo, we are all connnected in crime, perversion, and Darwinian Competition says:

    So, in summary:

    1. Pedro likes to abuse himself.
    2. Thanksgiving is two days away.
    3. People have a hard time restricting themselves to a hypothetical AND go outside the hypothetical for no discernible reason.

    As posted at #1–I see nothing wrong at all with tasering a deer who is a danger to the public safety. In fact, the cops would have been wrong to wait until the deer did who knows what.

    Deer are not people. Our legitimate concerns regarding an impinging police state, excessive force, misuse of tasers, is not raised by this posting.

  22. pedro says:

    #20 Senior Fusiyn – Not too b-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-d (like a goat sound). It’s funnee, si?

  23. Zybch says:

    I bet it was a black deer.

  24. pcsmith says:

    Deer are the rats of the suburban communities. It would have been better to kill it and process the meat to give to the local food bank.

    Since you cannot safely use a hunting weapon (gun, bow, crossbow) in a urban area, I suggest using the taser then slitting its throat.

    Too bad you can’t do the same with bears.

  25. Toronto Guy says:

    So, what was the Doe doing in the Financial District? (It was found just on the outer edge of what is considered Toronto’s Financial District)

    It was looking for a Buck of course….


  26. brm says:

    #5 Bobbo:

    “Let me ask you: would you rather be:

    1. Shot by a gun
    2. Hit by a baton
    3. Stunned by a taser?

    I’ll take a taser every time. You?”

    Yeah, but I’d rather not be indiscriminately tased in every case where, before they were given non-lethal weapons, the cops would’ve simply talked to me.

  27. bobbo, we are all connnected in crime, perversion, and Darwinian Competition says:

    #26–brm==thinking outside the hypothetical for no discernible reason.

    The only reasonable response is that I would rather never have to talk to a cop, have a million dollars in the bank, and be making sweet sweet love to Elizabeth Hurley.

    Unfortunately, no such conditions are likely to arise.

    So — whats your point?

  28. The0ne says:

    you haven’t seen the show about the science of using weapons yet I assume. That baton can be much much deadlier lol

  29. harold says:

    Cops are the dumbest f*cking morons on the planet.

  30. Angel H. Wong says:

    Bah, forgot how to send stuff to post here. Anyone can remind me how to send links for the blog?

    That way I can send awesome links like this one



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