“You’re enjoying the view, you’re enjoying the cleaning,” said Nina Torres.

That’s the concept that motivated Torres to start Edan’s Maids R’ Us, a team of sexy housekeepers that service South Florida. “They actually clean, I can guarantee you that,” said Torres.

  1. Who says:

    I’m betting there is some hookerage involved.

  2. derspankster says:

    “hookerage” indeed! Well said.

  3. Rufus says:

    I’m a skeptic by nature but I think in this case, it’s legit. They wouldn’t agree to be on TV if they were hookers.

  4. TThor says:

    I want!!!!

  5. Jmrouse says:

    Hot women in lingerie = Sexy.

    Hot women in lingerie scrubbing a filthy toilet clean = Not so much.

  6. Jmrouse says:

    I don’t care how they look or what they are wearing, I don’t think I could find a woman bent over, cleaning, a filthy toilet sexy…

  7. sargasso says:

    Personally, I find the scent of Clorox mixed with cheap perfume, female sweat and mothballs, rather arousing.

  8. jescott418 says:

    Can I watch her clean naked? Or will that cost me too much?

  9. ray says:


    You can ask her that when she arrives at your house. 🙂

  10. Brian says:

    I think my house just got dirty all of a sudden.

  11. TheMAXX says:

    Here in chicago we have had naked maids for years. It used to be a popular job with the college girls back in ’93 when I went to school.

  12. hmbterry says:

    I once read about someone who hired a naked housekeeper. When she showed up to clean he opened all the windows exposing her to the street. She refused and quit.

  13. Rick Cain says:

    LOL @ 1:20


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