1. Would saying “Hitler” now stop the madness?

  2. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    OMG–I’m insulted you are treating me with the same disdain I am treating you. Its not justified, because I am right, and you are wrong. There just ain’t no way to prove it if you don’t agree with me to begin with. RATS!!! I hate how that happens all the time.

    You do maintain good spirit, and I admire that. but so do Pedo and Alfie==no amount of facts disturb them either.

    Holy Crap! Being polite is just another version of being comatose! Who’d a thunk that?

    And another blog brings greater calm to bobbo. I love you guys. My stuffed dog too.

  3. What? says:

    I like A.P.’s statement, for once.

  4. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Dcorak: Please give it a try. Here, I’ll do it for you – HITLER!

    Bobbo; You have settled into your “I’m always right even when I question myself” mode. I woke up this morning to see the thread had mutated into The Bobbo vs The Guyver (wasn’t there a Japanese movie so entitled?). It’s not fun.

    Especially when you devolve into saying dumb things like no proof that scurvy us caused by lack of vitamin C or that cigarettes cause cancer. Well you’re wrong and right. Vitamin C has been proven to be the lacking nutrient that causes scurvy. There is no doubt, no wriggle room in the science. Cigarettes, on the other hand. Well, I can definitely say that it is very unlikely that cigarettes cause cancer. You can carry a pack in your shirt pocket from now until doomsday (12/21/12?) and you won’t get cancer. Unless you light one up and inhale through it. We have definitely proven that the inhalation of hot gases through tobacco and depositing some of the compounds thus transported onto the the epithelial tissues of the lungs IS carcinogenic.

    So, you are looking for arguments and I have a plane to catch. In the Thai language, a euphemism for masturbation is ‘flying a kite.’ So, I’ll go to the airport and you go fly a kite. It’s just as much fun as arguing but the rest of us won’t need to wash our hands.

    Bye bye – see you tomorrow.

  5. Obama : The Stool Softener Years says:

    What is wrong with you people? Americans drive SUVs or earth itself has me reason to exist. Even if globL warming is caused by humans, telling Americans to make do with less is wrong. If Americans don’t have more all humans must die.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    If this were 31 years ago, they’d be screaming “Mini Ice Age returns!!”. And they did. The movie “Quintet”, proves how convinced they were of the possibility, back in 1979.

    *Spoiler Alert*
    BTW, it was filmed in english too, and takes place inside the frozen ruins of the Pentagon building. Which is why so many things are five sided, in this movie. Hats, signs, mirrors, “you are here” wall maps, game boards, etc.
    *Alert Over*

    Apparently Youtube keeps pulling lengthy clips of it, even though it’s not being sold on DVD. Possibly this is because its very existence is “An Inconvenient Truth” to Al Gore and his friends. But why did Hollywood make a film about the world being frozen solid, if there were no fears of this ever happening? A few years later, the “Green House Effect” idea replaced this one. Which has since been changed to Global Warming, and now Climate Change. I’m waiting for “Seldom Predictable Hot and Cold Spells” to follow. Isn’t that the very definition of what weather is?!

  7. Glenn E. says:

    #6 – JApp, the problem with your explanation is this. Warmer climates, like at the Equator, don’t result in snow storms or violent wind and rain storms. And the air remains highly humid. Where’s the colder air coming from, if the whole earth is suppose to be warming up (thus “Global”)? And how can EVERY year be a bit warmer than the last, when these record cold spells keep happening? Something highly suspect with the climate data. A warmer earth, globally, would result in a more humid earth, globally. Not a snow and ice bound earth, in many parts of the northern hemisphere. And lots of rain in the southern half. NORMALLY, Australia is quite dry, during their summer. So what’s condensing out the moist air, from the oceans, if colder air is vanishing? Obviously, colder air isn’t as scarce as we’ve been told it is. Or “down under” would be in a perpetual fog of humidity. But not a cold storm of rain and wind.

    And in spite of all this debate and theory. I’ve yet to see or hear a single bit of solid proof as to the bad weather be caused by human activity. Actually, EVERYTHING effects the weather, according to CHAOS theory. Even Butterflies. We’ve can’t all cease to exist, in order to have zero effect. As long as anything lives and moves, some slightly measurable effect will occur. But that’s because we are ALL PART OF NATURE! Humans are not some kind of orphans, not deserving of Nature’s gifts. It’s these climate extremists that preach some kind of genocide, to protect the world from mankind. Of course, they’re not volunteering to die first. Only the rest of us must sacrifice to make their world perfect again. And shutting down mostly all industry would be a death sentence. Don’t kid yourselves that it wouldn’t be. No realistic solutions to reversing GW (if it’s real), shows how to avoid increasing human suffering and starvation. It’s all very fanciful ideas, with no factual proof any of it works. But I’m sure it will make s few much richer!

  8. Lou Minatti says:

    I wonder if Algore is still begging massage girls to rub his chakras. Money must be tight for him, what with the public appearances drying up. Those mansions and fleets of SUVs of his must be a cash drain.

  9. Lou Minatti says:

    Gore said he was tired from travel and described in detail the massage he wanted. It included work on the adductor muscles, which are on the inside of the thighs. “I mentally noted that a request for adductor work is a bit unusual,” the masseuse told police, because it can be “a precursor to inappropriate behavior by a male client.”

    Gore also requested work on his abdomen. When that began, “He became somewhat vocal with muffled moans, etc.,” the masseuse recounted. Gore then “demand[ed] that I go lower.” When she remained focused on a “safe, nonsexual” area, Gore grew “angry, becoming verbally sharp and loud.”

    The masseuse asked Gore what he wanted. “He grabbed my right hand, shoved it down under the sheet to his pubic hair area, my fingers brushing against his penis,” she recalled, “and said to me, ‘There!’ in a very sharp, loud, angry-sounding tone.” When she pulled back, Gore “angrily raged” and “bellowed” at her.

    Then, abruptly, the former vice president changed tone. It was “as though he had very suddenly switched personalities,” she recalled, “and began in a pleading tone, pleading for release of his second chakra there.”

  10. Why Bother says:

    I’m going to use this logic.

    EVERY day in the summer where it’s over 90 degrees, I’m going to post on here that it’s proof of global warming. Just like being cold and snowing in Jan/Feb in Chicago is a sign of the end times. Idiots everywhere. This lack of understanding the most BASIC concepts of science (averages/means/instances) is why America is becoming a 2nd world nation. We’re becoming more Sarah Palin less Albert Einstein.

    Say, did any of the anti-realty anti-science magical belief Republicans on here do any science? This event was big in moisture (snow) but the temperatures are within normal for most of the midwest (and the south always has like 2 cold/freeze days a year). Did you average this into the entire last years temps? Did you look at the temps in Australia, Brazil, Japan, Norway, India? Is this MORE cold than there extra hot days? Which way is the total average going? Is the actual global average going down..up..not moving? Please show your work.

    What? You don’t know? Like children you’re basing your “science” on sticking your head out YOUR door and proclaiming whatever it is NOW is a global average. ROTFLMAO. It’s snowing and cold in winter, there’s no global warming!

    Morons. And it’ll be hot in July and August. THAT doesn’t prove global warming either morons. It’s the AVERAGE overall…the models PREDICT more wild swings (highs and lows, droughts and floods)…with the AVERAGE moving up. Average. Not instance. Average. Google it.

  11. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Words have meaning and a context. Depending on how you define “proof” there is no proof that Vit C cures scurvy. Now, maybe in fact later double blind studies were done for effective amounts and what not but feeding limes to sailors who remain scurvy free is not proof in any scientific sense==only in common sense.

    Cigarettes and cancer is more complex. You can smoke 3 packs and day and never get cancer. You can never smoke at all and get a lung full. Cigarettes don’t cause cancer they only increase the likelihood of getting cancer.

    And co2 doubling in the atmosphere is even more complex than cancer and cigarettes. We all know limes and cigarettes and cancer and vitamin deficiencies so “common sense” prevails over the strictures of science. Not so AGW. A consensus of qualified scientists say that if you double the amount of co2 in the atmosphere that the temp will increase 2 degrees. some say the percent of co2 is small compared to water vapor and reject the consensus. Thats right. all you have to do is simply reject the science. No facts, no study, no qualifications: any bold statement will do. And it gets accepted as “an argument.”

    silly hoomans.

  12. Obama : The Stool Softener Years says:

    More urban sprawl driven by bigger SUVs solves everything.

  13. Greg Allen says:

    It snows in Chicago and John D. thinks it’s evidence against global climate change.

    Clearly, being good with tech is not the same as understanding science.

  14. MikeN says:

    #68, that is not what global warming theory suggests. The primary effect of global warming is with warmer winters, and warmer nights, at higher latitudes. In other words, when you heat something up, the cold parts warm more.

  15. Mr Anderson says:

    Math day;
    add up all the CO2 that humans dump into the air every day? That’s nor normal.

    An we’re still accelerating.


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