Um… Huh. That explains a lot.

The great apes are bigger than humans in a lot of ways. A lot of them have overall size on us. Because they’re not sitting around in swivel chairs all day they generally have bigger muscles. But there are at least two parts of the human body that surpass our ape cousins’ in size: heads and penises. It turns out that these two things are not unrelated.

Tiny little chimp brains can be contained in tiny little chimp heads. And tiny little chimp heads can be easily birthed. As humans needed larger brains in order to acquire language, imagination, and the ability to learn, their heads needed to expand along with everything else. In order for large-headed human infants to come out of human females, the birth canals of human females needed to expand.

These expanded birth canals meant competition was on as to whose sperm could get to the end of it in order to do some impregnating. There are only a few ways to do this. Either super-charged sperm can race down the birth canal or regular sperm can be given a ‘head start’. The larger heads of infants lead to larger birth canals, which in turn lead human males to have much larger penises than the great apes.

  1. Animal Mother says:

    My dick looks like a morel. What’s the deal with that?

  2. bobbo, what is love but projection says:

    Thats not very romantic but it makes me wonder about God’s Penis. More politely, one could say his Belly Button but the point is the same. So who are these guys with the 12 inch schlongs supposed to be mating with?—manatees? Or just instructional tapes for the Army.

    Hah, hah. Imagine Darwin being involved in sexual development. The HORROR.

  3. msbpodcast says:

    No it doesn’t.

    Larger infant heads heads has led to a much longer period of brain development and infantile behavior post-partum.

    The brain of homo sapien sapiens does not finish developing for almost two decades.

    The development of the brain lags behind the development of the body by almost a decade. (All of those female gymnastic athletes are past their prime by the time they are bright enough to figure it out.)

  4. bobbo, what is love but projection says:

    Peepod–imagine the precious little baby having a large head requires more than one adaptation to make everything work out. Imagine: more than one thing.

    Go ahead. Try it. “More than one thing.”

    Good boy.

  5. sargasso_c says:

    Water mammals have this adaption, because sea water is spermicidal. Which has led to the theory that human derived hominids have spent time in a water world.

  6. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 2 bobbo, “So who are these guys with the 12 inch schlongs supposed to be mating with?”

    They are the husbands of unhappy wives. In my career I’ve seen only two men with such extraordinary appendages. Both times it was because their wives complained. Thank god I am only endowed with 10 inches.

  7. steverino says:

    All this penis talk on a family friendly web site.
    Won’t someone think of the children!

  8. msbpodcast says:

    sargasso_c in #5 said something about humans having had to have had a period of their evolution in water.

    Give that man a Cupie Doll. That is the thesis of a book called “The Ascent of Man Through Woman” (I can’t find the exact edition in Google.)

    In the book the author explains a lot of evolutionary adaptations that would have happened to a beach dwelling anthropoid. (length of penis being one of those.)

    That also explains the loss of body hair, the growth of long hair atop our heads, one of the very few reflexes left in humans is the instinctive grasping of hair by babies, our upright posture (its almost a given, as evidenced by Japanese monkeys,) webbing on our fingers and toes, a whole raft of bipedal options.

    #7 said some shit… Uh, steverino, how do you think children get born?

  9. msbpodcast says:

    The book is called The Descent of Woman.

    It was a fascinating read.

  10. spsffan says:

    #2 Bobbo “So who are these guys with the 12 inch schlongs supposed to be mating with?”

    Well, Size Queens, mostly!

    Much like the Corvette, some things are lots of fun to look at, but not practical for everyday driving. 🙂

  11. Hewhomustnotbeflamed says:

    What was it that Robin Williams said.
    “God gave man a brain and a penis and only enough blood to run one at a time.”

  12. bobbo, what is love but projection says:

    Seems to me another book called “The Aquatic Ape” recounted much of this.

    PeePod–notice there usually is more than ONE reason things happen? And not to confuse you but often one thing can be the result of two happy coincidental causes or “pressures to adapt” or “environmental selective factors” or the word play of the moment.

    Animby==quick, check to make sure you aren’t on the metric system. Oh, why bother. You’d lie anyway==another “big” adaption to the watery world of womens’ wiles.

  13. Publius says:

    Same old same old posters here

  14. deowll says:

    Back in fifth grade we were taught stories like this are call “Just so” stories: A made up explanation most likely having nothing to do with reality.

  15. steverino says:

    @#8 msbpodcast, whoosh! 😉

    The way _you_ talk you’d think that kids were born with penises and vaginas! Moran!

  16. Uncle Patso says:

    “But there are at least two parts of the human body that surpass our ape cousins’ in size: heads and penises. It turns out that these two things are not unrelated.”

    Does this mean men will start comparing hat sizes?

    Lou Costello (of Abbott & Costello; ask your grandparents) had some kind of gag about size 6 and 7/8. Me, I wear about a 7 and 1/4 to 7 and 1/2, depending on the brand…

  17. admfubar says:

    personally i like when some says i’m big headed.. or they call me a fat head..

  18. Glenn E. says:

    Maybe the great apes have smaller wangs, so they don’t get caught on tree limbs and vines, they swing from. And how exactly does this idea explain horses and elephants being dumber than humans? These researchers must not get out much, to have missed seeing that.

  19. Rick says:

    My hat size is oddly large even though I’m kind of short…..hmmmmm.


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