then there is this:

  1. number one says:

    in soviet russia coaster rides you!

  2. Dallas says:

    What is it with roller coaster fetish on this site?

  3. Donal says:

    #2 They all received Roller Coaster Tycoon for Christmas 12 years ago and can’t let it go.

  4. msbpodcast says:

    I used to go to Belmont Park in Montréal with some friends of mine.

    To ensure we were getting our money’s worth we used to go to a pizza booth and then go on a roller coaster across the walkway, then go back to the pizza booth then back to the roller coaster and we’d keep that up until one of us would puke.

    Years later, just before it closed, we went back but not to ride the coasters, and determined that its was the pizza that made us vomit. 🙂

    [FTFY – ed.]

  5. thefreakytiki says:

    If your a fan of Roller Coasters check out Kennywood Park just outside Pittsburgh.

  6. nicktherat says:

    is JCD an avid coaster rider?

  7. DjfunkmasterG says:

    Hey Hey Hey, be nice… Is till play RCT I love that game, and yes Rollercoaster riding is an addiction.

    I used to work for a park in PA that had THE BEST wooden coaster ever built, and I still make the trek once a year from my home to ride it.

  8. DjfunkmasterG says:

    Wanna see some crazy coasters visit the Roller Coaster Database tracks all coasters operating and defunct

  9. What? says:

    Dear Ed,

    Yes, Iphone OS 3.0 won’t play the vids within the new frame (WiFi or 3G). Also, HiQ vids on YouTube don’t even appear in Google search results when sought via the Iphone OS 3.0 equipped phone. It’s a conspiracy! :^)


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