1. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    add: I just worked all night to finish it.

  2. legendinmyownmind. says:

    I’m waiting for the fricking system to catch up!

  3. Jim G says:

    don’t worry It’s self-learning

  4. Miguel says:

    #1 LIKE!

  5. EnemyOfTheState says:

    John, who was your model for the programmer? She has a nice rack.

  6. mentor972 says:

    It’s funny cause I’m “rendering” right now.

  7. grammar nazi says:

    “It’s”, not “Its”

  8. jdmurray says:

    “I’m in a WebEx”

    “I’m in a Scrum”

    “I’m waiting for Mr. Critical Path to finish”

  9. Rob Leather says:

    Fantastically, being a consultant web programmer I can choose three of the six options at random…. which I guess makes a forth. “Choosing my excuse”.

  10. Miguel says:

    I do intellectual work… 🙂

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    Mind you, we sysadmins don’t have a neckbea- oh wait, I do..

  12. msbpodcast says:

    Here’s my favorite one: “I’m checking the specs…

    Laugh at me but this got me out of a lot of shit.

    The were either no specs or they were wrong, not properly updated or somehow screwed up.

  13. Reschat says:

    “Its, its, its, its, its, its”
    ARGH! Same error over and over again.

  14. hpavc says:

    Need the DBA, “its rebuilding”

  15. Gildersleeve says:

    Windows users and Ubuntu users – Its Patching.

  16. JimD says:

    Ordinary User: My password doesn’t work anymore !!!

  17. Wojtek says:


    Agile Developer: the tests are running

  18. incangoat says:

    XKCD ripoff.

  19. Joe P says:

    Average user: I’m waiting for Windows update to finish.

  20. xkcd_reader says:

    I liked this comic more the first time I saw it on xkcd.

  21. mahatma says:

    Hahaha … Good one !!

  22. JimmyWeb says:


    Italian Software Developer –> Computer SLOW!!!

  23. steelcobra says:

    System builds: “The packaged app loader only runs one at a time.”

  24. nitpicker says:

    Sorry, it’s not in the requirement; I’m not doing it.

  25. nonnux says:

    Web Developer on Visual Studio:
    It’s searching for a string in the “current Project”

  26. The Dinosaur says:

    what in the hell are you people talking about? I would like to know my mate, in Beijing from your mate in Qiqihar.

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