Wonder if Birthers have a covenant about flip-flops?

  1. LibertyLover says:

    Wonder if Birthers have a covenant about flip-flops?

    It will be interesting to watch that!

  2. MikeN says:

    Only relevant to liberals who have no clue about the law, and birthers who are stretching their position when the Obama was born in Kenya thing fell apart.

    Obama, if not born in the US, is not a natural born citizen because his mother was a citizen for less than five years after the age of 16 when she gave birth, according to the law at the time but no longer the law. Under the law, Ted Cruz is a natural born citizen because his mother was a US citizen for more than five years after the age of 16 when she gave birth.

    Some grasping at straws birthers retreated from the Obama was born in Kenya field to say that anyone is not a natural born citizen if both parents are not citizens, but this is not recognized in US law.

    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      This is confirmed: You’re a dumbass.
      Just ask anybody.

      • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

        I can confirm that if just reading the above post is not sufficient unto itself.

        Keeping it relevant since 830 this morning.

    • government accountability office, keepin' it real says:

      Obama was born in Tampa, Fl. His daddy was Jean-Claude Duvalier . He be one emaciated half-hatian. All the other stuff is just fishing for hering or northern scrod (white-fish).

    • Captain Obvious says:

      *cough* It’s the Comedy Channel.

      Seriously, when you register as a Republican do they surgically or chemically remove your sense of humor and force you to buy more hair products than RuPaul?

  3. deowll says:

    Not being liked by most of the Senate is most likely a good thing. Most Americans don’t like them either including me.

  4. Captain Obvious says:

    Apparently he likes hockey. That will kill any potential Presidential run.

  5. Kent says:

    Come to think of it, he looks a lot like Steven Harper, but I always figure he was an American (Harper that is).


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