Yeah, this is Merry Olde England, but give it time to become law over here. Probably start with the podcasting licensing John and Adam keep saying is coming. Do it for the children!

Extremists will have to get posts on Facebook and Twitter approved in advance by the police under sweeping rules planned by the Conservatives.

They will also be barred from speaking at public events if they represent a threat to “the functioning of democracy”, under the new Extremist Disruption Orders.

Theresa May, the Home Secretary, will lay out plans to allow judges to ban people from broadcasting or protesting in certain places, as well as associating with specific people.

The plans — to be brought in if the Conservatives win the election in May — are part of a wide-ranging set of rules to strengthen the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy.

  1. May I Speak? says:

    Why can’t you legally yell “Fire!” In a movie theatre?

    Isn’t that free speech? Where’s the line!

  2. What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

    This has everything to do with controlling the public (a la Arab Spring) and nothing to do with terrorism.

    They are preparing to clam down on the next Occupy Movement, before the next financial collapse triggers the next Occupy Movement Over There ™.

    Hate Speech means exactly that UD / Dvorak, they hate speech!

  3. sargasso_c says:

    “To allow judges”, to do what they already have the authority to do. Taken that the average British high court judge isn’t politically appointed or a TV reality show host, this might not be such a big deal.

  4. X says:

    They will also be barred from speaking at public events if they represent a threat to “the functioning of democracy”, under the new Extremist Disruption Orders.

    Has this douche even BEEN to a college campus lately? They have these places on campuses called “free speech zones.” And last time I looked, most colleges were run by a near unanimous staffing of LIBERALS with only a gagged conservative or two to make it all seem balanced. And it’s been that way — a liberal Mecca — for DECADES!

    So go shove those lies about conservatives back where you got it — up your “ass”!

  5. NewFormatSux says:

    It’s happening here too. Michael Mann is busy suing people for criticizing him, one guy for blogging that he is ‘the man behind the fraudulent hockey-stick, the very ringmaster of the tree-ring circus.’ According to Mann, people must accept the various government exonerations as fact and cannot say otherwise.

  6. NewFormatSux says:

    As I posted the other day, cops have pulled people over for having an Israeli flag.

    Try saying something bad about Islam in London and they will arrest you. Including one person who quoted Churchill.

  7. spsffan says:

    Democracy. So it goes.

  8. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    FREEEEEEEEEDOM==the right to be left alone, or the actual state of being such.

    so…looks to me like George Orwell is wrong. Lets edit:

    “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to say anything even if others do not want to hear.”

    For some reason, the image of Sam Kinnison comes to mind. I loved that guy.

    • Citizen says:

      What does “left alone” mean?

      If “FREEEEEEEEEDOM==the right to be left alone”…

      … Does that include the expectation to be left alone with respect to receiving public assistance and services?

      For example, if you’re “off the grid” and don’t pay taxes, should you still expect to get snow removal services?

      Shouldn’t there be a companion “Bill of Participative Responsibilities” to go with our expected “Bill of Rights”?

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Well citizen, as far as I know snow removal services are based on the needs of the community for general access and circulation==NOT the individual needs and desires of people regardless of grid status or tax paying status.

        You sound like one of those types who doesn’t understand the difference between FREEEEEEEEDOM OF speech, and Freedom from Want.

        You just don’t understand how everyone benefits from a strong safety net…..and thats why, or partly why, America is in a death spiral around the toilet bowl.

        • Citizen says:

          I understand everything except your response.

          Does everyone contribute to the safety net?

          • ± says:

            Har. Good rhetorical question.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Shirley you are pretending to be abysmally ignorant intending some joke?

            No set up……. no punch line.

            Safety net is funded from the general revenue. Anyone not knowing that should not be posting….anywhere…well, maybe a Justin Beiber fan site or other juvenile pop star.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:


            As always: nothing to contribute and you don’t understand what a rhetorical question is.

            What a doofus.

            Kinda a third party all on your own.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Thanks Pedro. Should I have posted with my alternate nom de flame: We think with Words, and Flower with Ideas.

            Pretty much sums up both of us, don’t ya think?

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            I americanized it for the audience.

            So je jeune for you not to pick up on that. C’est vrai!

          • Tim says:

            I… .. . ………. I have no response to that. ^^

        • Tim says:

          Not knowing the difference between ‘freeeeeeeeedom’ and liberty and suspecting both are illusion in ‘merica then I’d still have to claim liberty as something for the individual and construct my own ‘safety net’ —

          I should think the proper way to use one is to put it atop the toilet so you don’t fall in. Not so those who are in it have something to *maybe* reach up and swing from during the flush…

          In other words, “you’re doing it wrong”. Still, it is harder not to get stuffed full of sheepleness now that there are drones.

          • Marburg virus says:

            and the toilet wants you to meet my new little friend…

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Timmmmmmay making one of his most serious and seriously wrong posts since he argued against AGW says:
            10/2/2014 at 3:03 am

            Not knowing the difference between ‘freeeeeeeeedom’ and liberty and suspecting both are illusion in ‘merica //// Oh===stop being so bi-polar, think rather of a continuum.

            then I’d still have to claim liberty as something for the individual and construct my own ‘safety net’ — /// yes, everyone should do that. Not addressing at all the benefits TO ALL from a good general safety net, eg, to catch YOU when you fall through holes you made while looking in the wrong direction.

            I should think the proper way to use one is to put it atop the toilet so you don’t fall in. Not so those who are in it have something to *maybe* reach up and swing from during the flush… //// a metaphor of no use. Could be a hole of your own making?

            In other words, “you’re doing it wrong”. Still, it is harder not to get stuffed full of sheepleness now that there are drones. /// Does your safe made safety net help you and your family’s health and safety against things like ebola?…… and a host of other issues that will come immediately to mind when you stop shitting yourself.

          • Tim says:

            Does your safe made safety net help you and your family’s health and safety against things like ebola?

            The ideal, if followed, probably would have. As it is, I’ve allowed myself to become stuck right in the middle shitting with the sheeple and stairing at streetlights and poison soybeans all day; All my saved up post apocalyptic *equipment* scattered too far asunder, too far into disrepair, or crushed.

      • Paranoid White Inuk says:

        For example, if you’re “off the grid” and don’t pay taxes, should you still expect to get snow removal services?

        ^^ Ohh looky. The oppressors taunt. It means to condemn and demolish my home. Diesel gels up here, bankster seal vomit!

  9. NewFormatSux says:

    Main takeaway from this post, John Turturro is a lock to be the lead in an Orwell movie.

  10. NewFormatSux says:

    The Left is shutting down Hirsh Ali on campus. The Atheist Group at one campus complained that she doesn’t represent the totality of ex-Islamics or something. I didn’t know you had to meet a separate criteria to speak.

  11. jpfitz says:

    Left and right argue over the First amendment, not agreeing and attacking either the neocon or lib. We, us, all of us, want the same reality, the continuation of upholding our constitutions and rights. Arguing and bickering does nothing but let the ptb get their agendas put in motion.
    I have a suggestion, get Cameron out, and you Brits go to the speaker’s corners and speak up.

  12. jpfitz says:

    This is only if you tweet or facebook, I do neither. I could care less if ISIL extremists are stopped from spreading their murderous messages. I don’t think Americans will be accepting any type of restrictions on their first amendment right. The only way this would be accepted as legitimate is regarding radical Islamist speak.

  13. deowll says:

    This is to control the peasants. It has nothing to do with anything else. Of course at some point what the police are doing is going to piss off enough voters they have to start fixing elections but nobody is going to be allowed to protest that either.


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