Warning: Language NSFW

  1. Kiwini says:

    Video link has issues. šŸ™


    What I’d like to know is what kind of value does this video (story) have?

    What are these IDIOTS trying to accomplish?

    Anyone over the age of 30 who’s ever consistently WORKED for a living KNOWS that these kind of morons are EVERYWHERE — even HERE! (Hello Bobbo.)

    The stupid thing was to exercise his First Amendment Constitutional Rights and wear that shirt. That kind of shit just isn’t tolerated in a COMMUNIST UTOPIA! (Just like flag burning.)

    • bobbo, words have meaning, for the love of God, please buy and use a dictionary says:

      What do you think I think about the actions in this video?

      ……………and perhaps thats a stoopid overpersonalized approach to the subject?

      I’m a liberal. I support free speech. I support enforcement of immigration laws by walls at major checkpoints but open across most of the border for esthetic reasons (Ha, ha) with the major enforcement mechanism being Biometric or Webbased Checkable Worker ID system and fines and punishments against employers who hire illegal people.

      I only watched the first minute of the video. Like Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman ((I SWEAR I’M NOT HIJACKING THIS THREAD….)) the more basic truth is both sides are idiots. Most “advocates” are.

      Know what I mean?

      • Ā± says:

        [bobbo indicated]
        “…Iā€™m a liberal. I support free speech. …”

        Every habitue on this forum knows you’re a liberal. But the sentence after that is a false enthymeme (if that is what you intended). In fact being a liberal in this country (USA) means that you substantially don’t support free speech. Liberals only support “free speech” which conforms to their liking.

        You could be a rare exception.

        I’m a conservative and I believe that it is OK for bobbo or any liberal to say the stupidest thing they can possibly think of, anywhere and anytime (‘fire’ in theater immediate type of things excepted). So continue to bring what is mostly asinine vapidity on. Except for your presence being destructive to the very medium you use to do it, it is totally OK for you to make yourself look as much of an ass as you want to.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Bobbo has objected to safe spaces, but he has also wanted to repeal Citizens United, thus not a supporter of free speech.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential anti-theist and Social Justice Kibbitzer says:

          Ā± waxing unusually eloquently says:
          12/3/2016 at 8:28 pm

          [bobbo indicated]
          ā€œā€¦Iā€™m a liberal. I support free speech. ā€¦ā€ /// Yea verily! While I put the two ideas in two separate sentences, I did so without the recognition anyone would think they were joined. Discussion of less than 4 pages to follow.

          Every habitue on this forum knows youā€™re a liberal. But the sentence after that is a false enthymeme (if that is what you intended). /// Now there is a most interesting proposition. WHY would anyone think I was a liberal?—and why would anyone think such a label/characteristic would be opposed to free speech? I grew up thinking they were close to the same? Looks like the current labels (liberal and conservative) really have moved on leaving traditionalists behind?

          In fact being a liberal in this country (USA) means that you substantially donā€™t support free speech. Liberals only support ā€œfree speechā€ which conforms to their liking. /// Ah!===>a contest of labels…without definitions. How that so often occurs. BOBBO SAYS: being for Free Speech is a foundation of both Liberal and Conservative thinking. Basically, on a psychological level, liberal is being favorable to change while conservative dislikes change clinging to foundational values. Free Speech provides the new ideas for change to take place while Free Speech is seen as uniquely American and foundational to our Bill of Rights and exercise of our citizenship. I gotta disagree with you p/m==its some other label that demands potical correctness to the ideas they process…but I’m limited to 4 pages.

          You could be a rare exception. /// I don’t think so. Everyone thinks what they have to say should be heard….. a variation of Free Speech?

          Iā€™m a conservative and I believe that it is OK for bobbo or any liberal to say the stupidest thing they can possibly think of, anywhere and anytime (ā€˜fireā€™ in theater immediate type of things excepted). /// Now…there is an excellent paradeigma to go with your truncated sillygism.

          So continue to bring what is mostly asinine vapidity on. /// Whaaaaa? Are we not all liberal and free speech advocates?…. Tell me it ain’t so?

          Except for your presence being destructive to the very medium you use to do it, it is totally OK for you to make yourself look as much of an ass as you want to. //// Your roll ended with a whimper… too generic, vague, untethered. Forum: where people with different points of view gather to exchange ideas. Destruction: having nothing to add, comments being too generic, vague, untethered.

          Know what I mean?

          Is that a word a day calendar you are using or did you spring for a whole book?

      • No Oscar says:

        Bad acting. I’m not buying. You shouldn’t either.

  3. bobbo, words have meaning, for the love of God, please buy and use a dictionary says:

    I think if you go out in public with a statement on your teeshirt, a statement tatooed on your forehead, you should be ready to verbally defend your position. If not, then don’t wear the stupid thing in the first place and don’t complain about people looking at your tits.


    • jpfitz says:

      You dont sound liberal, ive seen offensive clothing why do i care, a relative, maybe.

    • Mr Mc Carthay says:

      Exactly..That’s why I drive Naked. I go to the grocery store Naked. I even wash my car naked. I am trying to make a point..sheeeezzze!

  4. Sean O'Shaunessy says:

    I was in public, wearing a t-shirt from my favorite Irish Pub a couple of weeks ago. The graphic on the T-shirt pictures a drunken leprechaun with a pint o’ beer dancing around like a fool.

    Then, out of nowhere, some Social Justice moron started to give me crap about my shirt. Something about racist Irish stereotypes or some such nonsense. So I hit her upside the head with tall bottle of Jamesons. And then I cried and cried. The dumb bitch’s head broke my bottle.

    The moral of the story is: Bitch owes me a bottle of Jamesons.

    • bobbo, words have meaning, for the love of God, please buy and use a dictionary says:

      The bitch learned nothing and you lost a good beer.

      Nothing gained all around. Like I said…………….

      I bought a sweater in the Irish Beer Brewery outside of Dublin. Nice Black sweater with a single white word across the front of it, I thought it said Genius. Haven’t worn message clothing since.

      • IM78 says:

        You thought it said Genius? Okay, stupid will bite. What’s the word?

        • bobbo, words have meaning, for the love of God, please buy and use a dictionary says:

          Thanks for asking. I thought that was a well known joke….but maybe I spend too much time in bars?


          A very fine beer and an excellent factory tour. I think at the end you only got ONE free drink though….many other tours providing unlimited at the end….. makes riding your bike around Amsterdam a real challenge.

          Guinness is a bit rich for me. I like cutting it with an pilsner. Always prefer a mix of things.

          • jpfitz says:

            Guinness IPA nitro poured from the can is pretty good.

          • IM78 says:

            Ah, yes. Genius .. Guinness. I get it. Thanks. ^O^

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential anti-theist and Social Justice Kibbitzer says:

            thanks for the tip jp.

            I’ll look for it with my next Bev Mo coupon.

      • Mr Diesel - Trump Won! - It's New Day says:

        Wow! Bobbo wrong on a simple fact. Jameson isn’t a beer, it’s Irish whiskey.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential anti-theist and Social Justice Kibbitzer says:

          Mr D……quite right you are. I’ve never seen anyone carry a whiskey bottle out of a pub…. I got set up, … but misled myself.

          ……..but like I said: I’m no Guinness.

  5. Sean O'Shaunessy says:

    How dare you call me precious Jamesons a beer? That’ll cost ya 100 strikes on ye backside with me shillelagh!

  6. bobbo, words have meaning, for the love of God, please buy and use a dictionary says:

    I did force myself to watch the whole video…played fine for me with my out of date webplayer on Firefox.

    I used to think women were tolerable one on one. That chick is one huge exception…. well matched to her dude. Hmmm…. where I’m from…you swear at a person… thats a fight. Again… maybe thats just in bars??? Nice community rec room where your home address is known?===maybe not so much.

    Ha, ha…..I don’t know why anyone would “assume” they know a person’s position on any subject just because they are wearing a statement. But if you like putting yourself at risk with ignorant belligerent people……….have at it.

    • Hmeyers says:

      “I did force myself to watch the whole video”

      You are a stronger person than I.

      I have nothing particularly interesting to say about the video.

      I might be a better person if I didn’t believe that bullying victims encourage the bullying usually, in ways they don’t understand.

      But my views on the topic are probably self-serving, I’m a bully myself (inherited? DNA?) and only through counseling did I learn to control it and turn it off (mostly, I’m not perfect).

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential anti-theist and Social Justice Kibbitzer says:

        Probably dna. You were the guy that ran out of the cave to protect the clan. Your only problem, is no more need for those skills….but dna evolves slower than culture. Good thing is: you are a conscious and thinking being, existential, actually making decisions about your role in the Universe and how you are going to deal with. The emotions are still there. always a conflict.

        The Dude is a bully, but for some reason didn’t take it to the shove and punch level. The laptop guy was pimping the two …..”I don’t want to talk…” but he was talking with the tee shirt.

        Two idiots. He’ll get his unit egged and his car keyed……..because……. he didn’t explain what his position was. Just a big “F-you” to his community and then “What ya gonna do about it?”

        A skill set that would have had him killed about 10 steps away from the cave.

        • Hmeyers says:

          “The Dude is a bully, but for some reason didnā€™t take it to the shove and punch level. ”

          Tells you there is some sentient thought going on.

          Usually takes 2 idiots to have a confrontation like that.

          I probably shouldn’t say this, because the victim is still the victim, but the T-shirt is inviting unwanted discussions at inopportune times.

          If the victim were a fire-breathing rager that loved yelling and arguing, would probably work out great.

          But victim seems not socially well adjusted ad timid.

          So the T-Shirt is a personality mismatch, invites situations that the victim doesn’t enjoy participating in.

          Solution: he needs to either have a different personality or a different T-shirt. Since his personality isn’t likely to change, I would suggest a different T-shirt or getting some balls.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential anti-theist and Social Justice Kibbitzer says:

            Interesting you see the teeshirt laptop guy as a victim? I thought the was trolling for that type of exchange and his “I don’t want to talk” was a way to guage the response without making it more confrontational…ie: just the tee shirt was all that was present.

            I’m actually surprised/dismayed by the reaction. Too much like this very forum on reflection: if you don’t like an idea: argue against the IDEA….not the person. And in society: if one doesn’t want to talk…… FREEEEEEEEEEDOM demands that you leave them alone.

            I don’t think “Build a Wall” rises to an offense level that begs for confrontation…. but is that my White Anglo Privilege talking and I’m just not simpatico to the plight of illegal aliens?

            could be.

            All my teeshirts are blank. Shorts too…not that they have ever been on display.

          • Hmeyers says:

            I didn’t watch the whole video, I may have missed something.

            Wasn’t the guy just hanging around and bothering no one?

            I watched maybe about a minute of it, then I skipped ahead a couple of times and it seemed like more of the same.

            I can’t rule out that the guy wasn’t possibly not the victim and maybe baiting to record this to look like a victim.

            Seems like the problem these days is you can never tell if something is a setup.

            Remember, the black guy shot and killed in Minnesota last year and the woman kept repeating a lie on video over and over again? (I can’t remember the lie, offhand but was for dramatic purposes)

            I guess I just don’t tend to believe some video posted on the internet.

            Our culture sucks and is filled with manipulators of all kinds.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential anti-theist and Social Justice Kibbitzer says:

            Fake or real… the issues raised are still there.

            Victim: object of scorn to be sympathized with unless they are intentionally trolling for the exact response they get.

            Analyze: Fake vs Real, Victim vs Troll. Weight, balance. Lather and repeat.

            My residual issue: what does anyone learn from life?……….. will the victim analyze the pros and cons of message teeshirts, will the doofus couple figure out what to do when trolled?

            Curious minds want to know.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            object of scorn to be sympathized with unless they are intentionally trolling for the exact response they get.

            Oh my.

  7. NewFormatSux says:

    I have my suspicions whether the video is faked. Plus the Mexican looks and sounds Asian.

    • The way I see it says:

      Looks like a race baiting video, worthy of an Emmy presentation by Amy Schumer.

  8. jpfitz says:

    first amendment quashed by left violent harassment, name calling cry babies. live n let live.

  9. jpfitz says:

    The net is perpetuating an unprecedented divide in a weird post-truth digital world.

    The ones who went to rallies in person or who rooted for the winner were or are fired up. Wait and see, fingers crossed.

  10. Jeez says:

    The obnoxiously dumb cunt makes it painfully obvious early in the video why we just might want to build a wall.

    “I’m a Mexican”! She proclaims. Great, so what the problem? I’m not going to your country and telling you what you can or cannot say. And by the way, tell your government to tear down the wall on their southern border, or STFU.

  11. Mr Diesel - Trump Won! - It's New Day says:

    If it were me and I wanted to be combative with them I would have stood up but if I wanted to just sit there and fuck with them I would have said bitch, I’ve seen your face on Japanese Anime porn sites and you’re getting me hot, can I have your autograph.

    If they guy stood up then it would have degenerated quickly into a Monkey Dance and the police would have been called to break it up.

    But could that botch say anything but free wifi…..

  12. The Pirate says:

    “When the ignorant gather, drama spawns.” ~ Mr. Magoo

  13. Martin says:

    If this video is real, and if this woman is really from Mexico, she is be best argument for building a wall at the Mexican boarder I’ve heard yet.

    And, does she know what “Wi-Fi” is? Or is she just repeating a script some rehearsed with her?

  14. NewFormatSux says:

    Did anyone else at first glance see Vader?

  15. NewFormatSux says:

    More significant baiting for dummies is the recounts that Jill Stein is raising money for. Fine print says recount is not guaranteed, and she might keep the money for ‘electoral reform’.
    So far Wisconsin recount has netted a few more votes, and they dropped one court case after being unwilling to put up 1 million dollars despite raising close to ten million.

    I just wish Hillary had been honest enough to say she wants the recounts. With the close gaps and the electronic machines, I don’t begrudge them wanting to check. But Hillary was outsourcing to a third party, and in the long run those millions of dollars and fundraising list will end up giving more votes to the Green Party.

    • Hmeyers says:

      People have been giving Hillary “flush down the toilet money” all year. She was perpetually out of money even in the primaries with 540 pollsters on staff. And in the general election, had brilliant ideas like spending $$$ in Arizona and Georgia because, you know, it was “in the bag” so lets expand the map to places we don’t even need to win.

      I think some more “flush down the toilet money” is in order for Jill Stein.

      I thought it was hilarious when Wisconsin said “Yeah, we need $3.5 million upfront before we do this retarded thing you want.”

      • Hmeyers says:

        Consider this … Wisconsin like the other rust belt states has a fuct economy.

        Jill Stein has contributed $3.5 so people in rural areas have Christmas money.

        Now Jill Stein probably doesn’t believe in Christmas and probably doesn’t give a shit about people in rural area of Wisconsin, but the jokes on her.

        And some of the brothers and sistas in the urban areas have some extra Christmas money.

        Thanks, Jill!

  16. Mr Diesel - Trump Won the Election, Suck It Crybabies says:

    Here’s a question for the group:

    Say you raise $1 Billion for your campaign and at the end of the race you have only spent $500 Million. What happens to the other $500 Million?

  17. Marc Perkel says:

    Looks like it’s all staged to me. Totally fake.

  18. Cgpnz says:

    The scary thing to me is I cannot tell if this is fake. We don’t see the face of the young lady so she might not be Asian.

    The liberals have gone mad. Generation zombie, brain dead from all that rugged college education. I fear for the president elect. He could become the greatest modern president if he saved the middle class, if he survives. Protect him oh security servants.


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